double clickWeather on The Middle Fork of the Salmon River
Idaho Rafting
Middle Fork - Salmon River

Middle Fork - Salmon River Weather in Idaho

On the Middle Fork, it's important to be prepared for all types of weather. In May and June, Mother Nature will occasionally surprise us with a renewing rainstorm or cooler temperatures. The same is true in the fall. July and August do have the most consistent weather. Although the weather is warm and sunny for the most part, the following chart shows average temperature and precipitation for the months of May through September.

Temperature and Precipitation on the Middle Fork Salmon River

Mean Max. Temp - - 69° 78° 87° 86° 75° -
Mean Min. Temp. - - 40° 46° 51° 48° 40° -
Precipitation - - 1.42" 1.42" 1.03" .82" .77" -


NOTE: Use this weather forecast only as a general guide. As your trip will span miles of river, this forecast from the nearest major weather station may not be indicative of the entire region where your trip will take place. Weather in the canyon may vary greatly from the surrounding cities.

TIP: Since weather conditions can be unpredictable, we recommend having a two-piece rain suit available during the day. You may wish to fold it tightly and keep it in your personal day-use dry bag. (See recommended packing list).